"Measuring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): More Important Now Than Ever!"
Saturday, October 31, 2020 - 9:45am - 10:45am
Speaker(s): Janelle Peterson, MEd, SNS, ProTeam Foodservice Advisors
Jean Ronnei, SNS, ProTeam Foodservice Advisors

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Description:No doubt you are reeling from change and uncertainty these days, but understanding your numbers now is critical. This session will guide you on which are the most important measures and show you how to use the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN) tools to better manage your program.

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Jean Ronnei, SNS - ProTeam Foodservice Advisors

Speaker Bio:
Jean has been a leader in school nutrition for many years. In addition to serving as President of the School Nutrition Association (SNA), she led the efforts to transform the Saint Paul Public School program. It received national recognition for building effective financial systems, designing innovative marketing strategies and creating healthy menus that honored student diversity and drove high participation.

In addition to serving as Nutrition Services Director for SPPS, Jean served as Chief Operations Officer. She had responsibility for Technology Services, Facilities, Safety & Security, Custodial, Transportation and Nutrition Services. This role provided her with valuable insights into K-12 and make her uniquely qualified to support school districts in her role as Senior Consultant for Pro•Team Foodservice Advisors.

I love to partner with clients to help them take their program to the next level with a Pro•Team solution that fits their needs: Fresh Eye Review, strategic planning, café makeover, menu makeover and/or presentation development.