Exhibit Hall
General Sessions
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All Times Pacific Daylight Time!

G) 8:30-9:30am
H) 9:45-10:45am

 Past Recordings:

"Time Won't Give Me Time"
Session: G1 - Start Time: 8:30am - 9:30am
Speaker(s): Dawn Soto, Los Angeles Unified School District
Cecilia Milner, Los Angeles Unified School District
Mervin Kiedpool - Los Angeles Unified School District

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"How to Show Up and Transform Challenges into Courage"
Session: G2 - Start Time: 8:30am - 9:30am
Speaker(s): Matt Upton, Matt Upton, Speaking of Success

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"Grab N Go: Are you running low on Reimbursable Meal ideas or seeking packaging and/or labeling solutions? We've got fresh ideas from districts across the country!"
Session: G3 - Start Time: 8:30am - 9:30am
Speaker(s): Jodi Batten, SNS, Red Gold
Jean Ronnei, SNS, Visualz

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"You survivied Covid. How to re-enter into regular feeding. Safely, Effeciently and Sustainably"
Session: G4 - Start Time: 8:30am - 9:30am
Speaker(s): Christine Banta , The Fischer Group

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